Installation shots from the show Come Il Vento - Sopra un Sh
Photos by Michael Lo Monaco
Come il Vento - Installation View

Installation shots from the show Come Il Vento - Sopra un Sh
Photos by Michael Lo Monaco
“Come il vento – sopra un SH” is a photographic installation showcasing a series of images taken by Glauco Canalis in Napoli and Catania across several journeys, seeking for a deeper meaning merging the cities social history and architectural language. The two cities facing the sea one towards Levante and the other facing Ponente, are both shadowed by the majestic volcanoes Etna and Vesuvius. Powerful presences defining the landscape from any possible angle.
Read MoreIl laboratorio fotografico prende spunto da una riflessione sull’estetica della scena trap italiana, nella quale si denota un focus narrativo sul quartiere di periferia, le case popolari e la vita di provincia.
Read MoreSul set, Il mio modo di operare non credo sia molto conforme al tradizionale fotografo di scena: preferisco scattare dei posati dentro o fuori le scene, cogliere punti di vista differenti alle inquadrature della cinepresa. Lavoro molto in pellicola, quindi cerco di tirare fuori immagini iconiche che trasmettano l’identità del soggetto o del luogo, o del soggetto in relazione ad un luogo. Immagini che possono sopravvivere da sole, anche in assenza della narrazione
Liberato pubblica il nuovo album omonimo insieme a Capri Rendez-Vous, la video-serie in cinque capitoli scritta e diretta da Francesco Lettieri. In esclusiva per le foto di scena firmate Glauco Canalis
Ortigia Sound System is a festival unlike any other.
The fifth edition of OSS once again brought a heady mix of emergent DJs and thrilling live acts to the island of Ortigia, Syracuse – all shot through with a high-concentrate dose of Sicilian cool. Indeed, as we observed in our review, the festival succeeded by being sensitive to its surroundings: ancient citadels, old market buildings and villas deep in the Sicilian countryside formed the backdrops for four days of music, and thanks to unobtrusive branding and the intimate feel of OSS, festival-goers felt immersed in South Italian culture (the last night, fittingly, given over to a showcase of underground music currently putting Naples back on the musical map).
It goes without saying that we were excited to host a Crack Magazine stage on Thursday evening. Photographer Glauco Canalis was on hand to capture our line-up, but did it in a way that was truly Ortigia. Kamaal Williams kicking back in a local bar? Nathy Peluso at the Antico Mercado? Mafalda chilling outside the Piazza del Duomo? Bellissimo.
Tutte le foto che state per vedere in questo articolo sono state scattate da Glauco Canalis, fotografo siciliano con base a Londra. "Quando conosco gli artisti, tendo a considerarli alla stregua di nuovi amici o conoscenti, per questo li ho fotografati come persone normali che fanno cose di tutti i giorni," racconta Glauco della serie.
L'attrice classe 1994 è stata immortalata per noi negli scatti esclusivi di Glauco Canalis
La serie “As far as the olive grows..” rappresenta piccole riflessioni di un discorso che indaga l’identità morfologica del territorio e delle popolazioni che si sono mescolate nei secoli, formando ibridazioni etniche, linguistiche ed architettoniche.
Uno sguardo alle contemporanee espressioni di una lunga stratificazione sociale, politica e culturale.
Glauco Canalis fa il fotografo e si trovava sul set degli ultimi due video di Liberato, "Intostreet" e "Je te voglio bene assaje". È stato così gentile da regalarci un po' dei suoi scatti, così da fomentare la vostra voglia di piacere estetico partenopeo giusto in tempo per il 9 maggio. Buona visione.
SAVE THE DATE > FRIDAY 22nd JUNE > 6 PM > Mo[t]us Operandi / Minimum / Collateral Manifesta 12 Palermo <
A quick look at some images selected by Diane Smyth for MŌMENTUM, an open call curated by Minimum and Der Greif - Organization for Contemporary Photography loosely based on migration.
The group exhibition MŌMENTUM will open on June 22nd during Mo[t]us Operandi / Minimum / Collateral Manifesta 12 Palermo. The exhibition is curated by Minimum and Baco about photographs.
The 15 authors selected by Diane Smyth are: Karim El Maktafi, Doro Zinn, Francesco Merlini, Alan Eglinton, Alessandro Cirillo, Celina Bordino, David Molina, Glauco Canalis, Julia Kopylova, Leif Erik Schmitt, Marcos Zegers, Matteo Buonomo, Matthieu Chazal, Sam Ivin, Sofie Amalie Klougart.
Such great news to be among the 50 Nominees for the MAGNUM Graduate Photography Award!
Many great photographers whom I know personally and whose work I admire are in this list! Wishing the best to everyone. Being on such prestigious list is already an achievement.
Here is one image from my work on the San Berillo district in Catania.
Hi Folks!
This week I'll be posting a finest selection of photographs, and some unpublished material, from my ongoing projects on Sicily and the Mediterranean.
Stay tuned and follow @Splashandgrab!
Finally back on track with my work!
Despite Donald Trump's election and existence (generally) Art is still a thing in U.S.
Special thanks to the great curator Marianne Bernstein, who selected part of my work to be shown at The Delaware Contemporary among other great artists for the first group exhibition of Due South. The show will run till the 30th of April
Here is an article by Edith Newhall for the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Curated by Marianne Bernstein, Due South is an artistic exchange focused on Sicily encouraging global dialogue in a moment of heightened isolationism and xenophobia. The second in a quartet of island-based investigations initiated by Marianne Bernstein, Due South brings together works by thirty-eight artists who have traveled or lived in Sicily. The multi-year project has generated opportunities for artists to create new work, while embracing collaboration, observation, and process where the outcome is not predetermined. The resulting exhibition explores this enigmatic landscape through its multicultural influences, layered history, personal memory, and the endemic culture of volcanic islands.
Stay tuned for more info soon to follow and follow me on IG @glaucocanalis
Today sees the opening of Unveil'd Photography Festival in Exter.
I am pleased to be part of the collective exhibition taking place throughout the streets of Exeter,
Sadly I won't be able to participate but I want to thanks the organizers Tom Coleman, Robert Darch, Jessica Lennan and the rest of their team.
I am happy to be part of this event and above all to support it as the Photography scene in Uk is very much centralized to London and not so much is known about the incredible artists emerging from the South-West for example.
Unveil'd will run 20-23rd October, check their full programme here
I am not used to share very personal posts, especially through my website's diary.
But this is a different case. Melanie Eclare, one of my closest friends, colleagues from University, and Inspiration as an incredibly talented Photographer has been very recently diagnosed an aggressive form of akute leukemia.
Melanie and I have a very close relationship, a mother-son kind of relationship bonded by an immediate mutual love raised since after we met two years ago.
Me and my colleagues at university have created a crowdfunding campaign, where by buying one of our limited edition prints, you will be backing the costs of her cure.
Please open the Crowdfunding page. Select an image and join the cause, and above all share and send your love and thoughts to Melanie. Our energy is fundamental.
Thank you
Today at 6pm at Scuola Fuori Norma I will showcase a short (slides) presentation of my work, which will be part of the travelling residency Due South 2016, curated by Marianne Bernstein.
The selection sees joining together Italian and American artists who's researches are inspired or based in Sicily. Among the others the talented twins Carlo & Fabio Ingrassia, Federico Baronello, Massimo Cristaldi, Cristina LaRocca and many others.
More Infos here
After my dear friend Claudio suggested to run a blog aside my website, I decided to take a chance to start this diary by posting the first interview I've ever held in my life.
Few months ago I met Anna Sampson, a very interesting person who is a painter and runs her own magazine called Stir Magazine. After a quick chat the night we met, she then followed me on Instagram and as her interest would rise from my posts she then came up with the proposal of an interview for her magazine. We talked about everything, food, emotions and photography somehow. Read full interview here.